Now Open at
451 Main St. Unit 5, Placerville
Friday/Saturday 9-4 Sunday 9-2 (unless sold out)
Closed the first weekend of July
and the last weekend of December.

Scone recipe
Preheat oven to 375
Bake 15-17 minutes
1. Scone mix
2. 1/2 cup softened butter
3. 1/2 cup sugar/brown sugar
4. 1/2 cup milk of choice (I use heavy cream)
5. 1 egg
6. 1 tsp. vanilla or extract of choice
6. 1/2 cup of frozen fruit of your choice, plus any extras you want to add.
Step 1
Combine mix and sugar.
Step 2
Add butter and blend with a pastry cutter or fork until pea size.
Step 3
Mix the egg and vanilla with dairy of choice in a separate bowl.
Step 4
Add the cream, fruit and any extras in the bowl with the dry ingredients. Mix all of the ingredients with a fork until a dough is formed .
Step 5
Place the dough on a prepared sheet pan and flatten to a width of about 8". Refrigerate for 10 minutes.
Step 6
Cut scones into 8 triangles and separate. Bake at 375 15-17 minutes until the tops are golden brown.